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Google Search advertising is a powerful tool to connect with potential customers. With over 3 billion daily search queries, your ads can appear as links or text ads on the results page. Businesses leverage Google paid Search to target users actively seeking specific information or products.

Unlock the full potential of Google Search advertising with Surge, where we tailor our approach to suit businesses of all sizes.

The benefits are manifold – from measurable results such as website clicks and direct conversions to invaluable insights into audience demographics.

By bidding strategically on keywords related to your offerings, Surge ensures your ads secure prime real estate on Google's search results pages, provided they meet stringent quality and relevance standards.

Keyword bidding is crucial, determined by factors like search frequency and competition. Google sets bids based on advertisers' willingness to pay for specific keywords. Quality score, rated from 1 to 10, gauges keyword and ad relevance. A higher quality score indicates greater relevance to users.

For optimal results in Search campaigns, we structure your Ads, implement a suitable bidding strategy, select strategic keywords tied to engaging content, and optimise landing pages for conversions.



As your dedicated Google Search Advertising Agency, Surge delivers a suite of services designed to streamline and optimise your advertising campaigns on Google Search. Here's what you can expect:


Keyword Research:

Identifying relevant keywords that potential customers are likely to use when searching for products or services.

Campaign Setup:

Creating and setting up Google Ads campaigns based on business goals, target audience, and budget constraints.

Bid Management:

Strategically managing bid amounts to ensure a balance between achieving desired ad placements and maintaining cost-effectiveness.

Conversion Tracking:

Implementing and monitoring conversion tracking to measure the effectiveness of ad campaigns in terms of desired user actions.

Analytics and Reporting:

Providing regular reports on key performance metrics, such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI).


Implementing remarketing campaigns to target users who have previously visited the website, encouraging them to return and complete desired actions.


Located in Middlesbrough, Surge is your go-to full-service Google Ads company. Our dynamic team comprises digital marketing specialists, web designers, SEO experts, PR specialists, content marketers, graphic designers, Google-partnered analysts, and social media experts.

We pride ourselves on collaborating with brands and corporations, offering customized solutions at every step of the development journey.

Whether it's crafting engaging brochures, designing cutting-edge eCommerce websites, implementing effective SEO strategies, or devising growth plans through Google Ads management – we've got you covered.

Our dedicated team is committed to elevating your brand's presence and ensuring success in the ever-evolving digital landscape.


As your committed Google Ads Partner, Surge equips your brand with essential tools to expand online presence, foster brand identity, elevate audience interaction, refine strategies, and flawlessly execute ad campaigns. Navigating the complexities of Google Ads, we position your business for substantial growth.

Here are some common issues businesses currently face with their own Google Search Advertising:

Surge is your compass, ensuring your brand not only appears prominently in search results but also thrives across the expansive Google Display Network. With billions of daily searches, Surge provides the expertise needed to capture your target audience's attention at the opportune moment, guiding your brand toward unrivalled success.

Here are some common issues businesses currently face with their own Google Search Advertising:

Keyword Selection and Optimisation:

Identifying the right keywords that align with business goals and target audience, and continuously optimising them for relevance and performance.

Budget Management:

Balancing the budget to maximise ROI while ensuring that there's enough investment to compete effectively in the auction for desirable ad placements.

Competitive Landscape:

Dealing with competition and staying ahead in bidding wars, especially in industries with high competition for keywords.

Quality Score Improvement:

Enhancing the quality score of ads by improving ad relevance, landing page experience, and click-through rates, which directly impact ad position and cost.

Algorithm Changes:

Adapting to changes in Google's advertising algorithms and policies, which can impact the visibility and performance of ads.

Surge is your compass, ensuring your brand not only appears prominently in search results but also thrives across the expansive Google Display Network. With billions of daily searches, Surge provides the expertise needed to capture your target audience's attention at the opportune moment, guiding your brand toward unrivalled success.


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Let's empower your business with unparalleled Google advertising expertise.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Google Search advertising, and why is it important for businesses?

Google Search advertising involves displaying your ads as links or text ads on the results page when users perform search queries. With over 3 billion daily searches, it's a powerful tool to connect with potential customers actively seeking information or products. Businesses use it to enhance visibility and engagement.

How does Surge tailor its approach to businesses of all sizes?

Surge customises its approach by strategically bidding on keywords related to your offerings. This ensures your ads secure prime real estate on Google's search results pages. The tailored strategy takes into account factors like search frequency, competition, and the quality score, providing measurable results and valuable insights into audience demographics.

What is keyword bidding, and how does it impact Google Search advertising?

Keyword bidding is crucial in Google Search advertising and is determined by factors like search frequency and competition. It involves advertisers bidding on keywords, and Google sets bids based on willingness to pay. Quality score, rated from 1 to 10, gauges keyword and ad relevance. A higher quality score indicates greater relevance to users.

How does Surge optimise Search campaigns for optimal results?

Surge optimises Search campaigns by structuring ads, implementing suitable bidding strategies, selecting strategic keywords tied to engaging content, and optimising landing pages for conversions. This comprehensive approach ensures optimal performance and effectiveness in achieving business goals.

What services does Surge offer as a Google Search Advertising Agency?

Surge provides a suite of services, including keyword research, campaign setup, bid management, conversion tracking, analytics and reporting, and remarketing. These services are designed to streamline and optimise advertising campaigns on Google Search, catering to the specific needs and goals of businesses.

How does Surge's team contribute to the success of Google Ads campaigns?

Surge boasts a versatile team of digital marketing specialists, web designers, SEO experts, PR specialists, content marketers, graphic designers, Google-partnered analysts, and social media experts. This collaborative approach ensures tailored solutions at every stage of development, driving success in Google Ads management.

What challenges does Surge help businesses overcome in Google Search Advertising?

Surge addresses common challenges such as keyword selection and optimisation, budget management, competitive landscape navigation, quality score improvement, and adapting to algorithm changes. By providing essential tools and expertise, Surge empowers businesses to tackle these challenges head-on.

How does Surge assist in navigating the competitive landscape of Google Ads?

Surge helps businesses balance their budget effectively to maximise ROI, ensuring there's enough investment to compete in the auction for desirable ad placements. This strategic budget management is crucial in industries with high competition for keywords.

What sets Surge apart as a Google Ads Partner?

Surge equips brands with essential tools to expand online presence, foster brand identity, refine strategies, and execute ad campaigns flawlessly. The commitment to tackling challenges head-on, coupled with expertise across various digital marketing disciplines, positions Surge as a reliable partner for substantial online growth.

How does Surge ensure brands thrive across the expansive Google Display Network?

Surge positions brands for success not only in search results but also across the Google Display Network. With expertise in navigating billions of daily searches, Surge ensures brands capture their target audience's attention at the opportune moment, guiding them toward unrivalled success in the online space.